If you are facing criminal charges, you already know such a charge will have numerous far-reaching consequences in your life. As such, you need to find the best defence lawyer to fi
This month we highlight the often-misunderstood defence in criminal law of SANE AUTOMATISM
In our criminal law jurisdiction, all criminal offences require proof that an accused perso
A defendant should be considered innocent until proven guilty. All defendants have a right to a fair trial,[1] which requires a verdict made by an impartial jury. The jury must determin
In light of recent allegations against the Attorney General Christian Porter, made by a now deceased woman. It seems an apt time to examine what options a defendant has if they are
Our workplaces are an integral part of our lives, and take up most of our time and efforts.
For this reason, it is very important to feel appreciated, valued and treated fairly at work.
For pet owners, the companionship provided by a dog or cat is generally overall a rewarding experience, considerably improving the quality of life of the owner. However, unfortunately instances of
New laws that came into effect this month require people to wear a face mask or face a $200 fine in NSW.
This applies also to people who work in the industries listed below requiring mandatory
Being criminal responsible for a crime is said to being able to distinguish between the right and wrongness of the crime.
Adults for the most part are thought of as criminally responsible by th
There is a common perception that you can act in Self-Defence of yourself and /or others when there is danger present.
Whilst this is true you must be aware of just when and how you can claim S
Police often perform arrest in the community without a warrant. Arrests occur as part of a police officer’s normal duties. However, the police words of ‘you’re under arrest’