
Reasonable excuses to leave your residence at present due to COVID 19 restrictions

There are 16 separate Reasonable excuses to leave your residence at present due to COVID 19 restrictions


You may leave your home to: -


ONE -  Obtain food or other goods or services locally; locally means— within 5kms


TWO  - For  work, if where the business is allowed to remain open and

(a) it is not reasonably practicable to work from home, and

(b) if the person is required to visit another person’s place of residence to engage in work—the person must be an AUTHORISED WORKERS see for the list of who is an authorised worker, there are also restrictions of the kind of work that is allowed to be carried out in residences.


THREE -  For the purposes of attending childcare, including picking up or dropping another person at childcare


FOUR - For the purposes of facilitating attendance at a school or other educational institution if the person attending the school or institution cannot learn from home


FIVE - Exercise or outdoor recreation within 5km   


SIX -  Obtain medical care or supplies or health supplies or fulfilling carer’s responsibilities, including obtaining a COVID-19 vaccination


SEVEN - Attend a small funeral or memorial service—

(a) in Greater Sydney, or

(b) outside Greater Sydney if the person is the spouse, de facto partner, parent,

child or sibling of the deceased person.


EIGHT - Move to a new place of residence within Greater Sydney, or inspecting a potential new place of residence within Greater Sydney


8A Moving to a different place of residence of the person outside Greater Sydney, but

only if—

(a) the movement is for the purpose of or to facilitate a person’s work and only the

person moves to the other place of residence, or

(b) the movement is for the purpose of urgent maintenance or repairs or animal

welfare and only 1 person moves to the other place of residence

8B Inspecting a potential new place of residence outside Greater Sydney, but only if the

person has a genuine intention to move to and reside at the new place of residence as

soon as practicable, or moving to a new place of residence outside Greater Sydney

8C Supervising or facilitating a business moving to new premises


NINE -  Provide care or assistance, including personal care, to a vulnerable person or providing emergency assistance


TEN - Donate blood


ELEVEN -  Undertake any legal obligations


TWELVE - Access public services, including—

(a) social services, and

(b) employment services, and

(c) domestic violence services, and

(d) mental health services, and

(e) services provided to victims, including as victims of crime


THIRTEEN -  For children who do not live in the same household as their parents or siblings or one of their parents or siblings—giving effect to new or existing arrangements for access to, and contact between, parents and children or siblings


FOURTEEN - For a person who is a priest, minister of religion or member of a religious order— going to the person’s place of worship or providing pastoral care to another person


FIFTEEN  - Avoid injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm


SIXTEEN - For emergencies or compassionate reasons, including where 2 persons are in a relationship but do not necessarily live together (nominated visitor – singles bubble)  

NB: in a declared hotspots LGA further restrictions now exist in that people will need to register their companion (singles bubble) and both must live in the same LGA.

For all other Greater Sydney suburbs, the single bubble exist however no registration is required but your visitor (singles bubble) must not be from a declared hotspot LGA.

Also, people cannot be more than one person’s singles bubble.


Please also note there are mask restrictions in place AND extra testing for COVID 19 if you leave home for the purposes of work and you live in a declared LGA hotspot or from another area and are travelling more than 50km for work into regional areas.


For the FULL list of what you can and cannot do visit


 Please Note:  As the Public Health Orders are constantly changing in NSW, this article is not intended to be legal advice.




  • Reply


    18 August 2021

    Very clear and useful! Thanks for the insight.

    • Reply

      Sylvie Houston

      09 September 2021

      Thank you Alex, I am pleased our article was of use to you.

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