The injustice of expensive justice

  • 01 July 2020
Legal Aid It is unfortunately a harsh reality that not everyone can afford a lawyer. The limitations of our system of justice become apparent when bodies such as Legal Aid, which are government

Criminal Appeals in NSW

  • 30 June 2020
A fundamental component of a fair trial is the capacity to appeal the outcome. One reason why this is fundamental to justice is because even learned magistrates and judges can make errors. These ca

Recent counter terrorism raids across Sydney’s southwest

  • 22 June 2020
Five search warrants were executed in Sydney’s southwest last Friday morning resulting in the seizure of more than a dozen firearms and five hundred rounds of ammunition. Three young men aged

Why you need to know a good criminal lawyer

  • 04 June 2020
Before explaining why someone experienced on your side can be invaluable when you are charged with any criminal offence, I’d like to ask you something. When watching the news, and you see a h

The dying presumption of innocence – Part 2

  • 19 May 2020
Many of us can find comfort in the thought that our society is one that believes in a person’s innocence until proven guilty. It is a presumption in our legal system. When charged with any cr

Wrongful convictions and an honest but mistaken witness

  • 13 May 2020
Imagine of being accused of something horrible you didn’t do. Of your friends and family hearing that you have been charged with something terrible. Imagine going to prison knowing you are co

Coronavirus and the NSW Local and District Courts

  • 07 April 2020
A pandemic that has crippled the world killing over 74,000 people worldwide according to John Hopkins University of Medicine Coronavirus Research Centre. The total number of confirmed cases (of tho

Defences available at Law

  • 18 February 2020
Not every act that would constitute a crime may result in a criminal conviction. There are certain defences that exist at law that can reduce or remove criminal culpability. At Rep-Revive Criminal

The dying presumption of innocence

  • 31 January 2020
You have been found guilty (on facebook). Wanting justice for victims is understandable. But it seems we live in an age where we almost immediately believe anyone who claims to be a victim. Rep

Use of Force by Police

  • 23 January 2020
Trained to use lethal force, but even police can make mistakes. During 2014 and 2018 the NSW Police were involved in more than 57,000 incidents that officers regarded the use of force as necess
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