Facing a criminal charge can be overwhelming, especially if it’s your first encounter with the legal system. The impact of a conviction can be significant, affecting your personal and profess
What is Bail?
Bail is an agreement that allows an accused person to be released from custody while their case progresses through the legal system. When bail is granted, the person agrees to ret
Another week of wonders!
This week in February 2023 we received many incredible outcomes for our clients.
Our client was charged with nine (9) sequences, including assault police
One Week of Wonders
The week commencing 17 October 2022 was another week filled with remarkable results!
On 17 October 2022 we attended Newtown Local Court and we received a sentence that w
Reconceptualising Drug Crime
Amidst calls for drug decriminalisation in the Western World, former US president Donald Trump has praised China for its draconian stance on drug supply. However, C
How a Podcast Delivered Justice to Lynette Dawson
After forty years, two coronial inquests, an application for permanent stay of proceedings and a nine-week trial, Justice Ian Harrison confirme
We all know Elvis Presley as the Rockstar with the swinging hips, trendy hair and magnificent gospel voice. But did you know that the King of Rock was investigated by the police for his promiscuous
Time to face facts. The Suspect Target Management Plan (STMP) is now an initiative adopted by the New South Wales Police Force. STMP is a police watch list which identifies people who are believed
What happens if you’re caught committing a criminal offence? Most people understand that the police will arrest you, take you to court, and let the Magistrate, Judge or Jury decide on your ca
The Law
Section 59(1) of the Crimes Act NSW provides for the offence of Assault occasioning actual bodily harm, in that:
Whosoever assaults any person, and thereby occasions